There are so many beautiful places I have been to that choosing one is very hard for me to do. The two places that are extremely hard for me to choose are Colorado and Idaho. I have been to Colorado several times over my 19 years of life and Idaho only once in my life. I would like to talk about Colorado. The first time I went to Colorado I was only ten so I don't really remember much. Though, when my youth group went to the Lutheran Valley Retreat in Colorado. It was the most amazing experience ever. We climbed Cedar Mountain and saw the sunset and fireworks! I was in awe of Gods creation!! Also, I remember how every night we would have camp fires and we would look up and we would see a million stars! It was soo beautiful! This place is so important to me because this is where I got closer to God and found myself again.
(This picture was not taken by me. It was taken by someone in the I love LVR group)