This summer is going to be filled packed with things to do. First, I will be working at a place called Nascar Speedpark. Well, I am pretty sure I am... I know they needed be and I've already applied. I worked there last summer. I work as the person who answers the phones. Here is the website! IF you are in St. Louis this summer... check out the mall and Nascar Speedpark!
My brother is getting married this summer to an alumi from Concordia, Sarah Trinklein. She teaches out in Orange County, California and he works in L.A. The wedding is August 1st so I will be busy with wedding stuff too!
I hope I can travel a little bit this summer. I want to go to Colorado to visit my boyfriend. I love's such a wonderful place and I love mountains!! :) My best friend is from North Carolina and his sister is graduating high school so I will probably fly there. He is actually living at my house in St. Charles, MO for the summer. I'm pretty excited about this! :) I've been to North Carolina before and the beach is pretty awesome!
Salzberg : EUROPEAN_OTHER WESTERN sub group German Language: German Most of the "Salzberg's are in the U.S. It says 4.14 of the Salzbergs. The top states that the Salzberg's could be found are in Rhode Island, Vermont, Colorado and New York. There are other states that you can find Salzbergs too like Missouri where I am from but those are the top ones. The other countries include, Switerland, Germany, Argentina, France, Belgium and Poland. As I look at the forenames I recognize some of the first names and my dads name is there too.
Saenz: HISPANIC sub group: Spanish Language: Spanish This is my boyfriend's last name so I decided to look up his name. The countries for the name Saenz is Argentina, U.S., France, Switerland, Belgium, Norway, Austria, Germany, Netherlands and the UK. For the top states in the U.S. they are Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and most of the states surrounding Colorado.
Salzberg and Saenz have similarites in there location. I looked at Missouri, there are Salzberg of course of St. Charles/ St. Louis and I looked for the name Saenz too in Missouri and they too are in St. Charles/St. Louis. I thought that was pretty cool.
For some odd reason I thought this was funny because if you compare the Chinese doing the dance and N Sync doing the dance it is very similar. This video is from China and the Chinese boys are preparing for the Chinese new year. The video was uploading in 2007 so I wonder how long ago this was. N Sync hasn't been popular in the U.S. for awhile now. Since I give you both of the videos pay attention to the dance and see how similar it is.
I have no idea what I ate at my cousin's house during Spring break but this is what it kind of looked it. I know it was called garlic something but can not remember the name of it. I remember the garlic was very strong, looked like an eye ball and tasted very sweet. Also, my cousin's eat weird stuff that i don't even know the names for the food they eat. Even in the United States people eat bizarre things. Every culture has different food and if we all ate the same kinds of things I believe we would get sick of each other. Food is a big part that makes up certain cultures.
The countries that are involved in the G-20 include: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom and the U.S. Also the European Union is the 20th member of the G-20.
As I was looking up G20 Summit stuff I found an article titled, " Can This Group Save the World Economy?" As reading the article it just talks about what they do and will try to accomplish at one meeting. I asked myself the question, does our economy really lie in the hands of these 2o leaders of the countries that are involved? I believe we all ask this question and pray they do the best thing for the economy!
I decided to do this view of Antarctica and South America because I thought this view was interesting. This view is not only interesting but it makes me question how two different kind of climates look like they are right next to each other. As researching things about both places, Argentina and Antarctica they are very different as for their climates and landforms and such.
I really enjoyed this movie! I watched it two times and learned new things each time I watched it.I even bought the soundtrack because I enjoyed the music too.This movie portrays India well but it was surely sad.I observed several similarities from India and the United States.I observed what the children wore and how they acted.Children in India are not as wealthy as we are and their dress is not so nice.They work very hard for money and food as was very well shown in the movie.
One part of the movie that I thought was funny and meaningful was when Jamal wanted to see the most famous actor of India.He jumped into a pile of “waste” and ran to get the famous actors autograph.I believe this shows determination for the little Jamal and that deep down kids from India and US are not that different from each other.
Did you know that in India all the movies that are from there are a musical.Well, Slumdog Millionaire was not and so at the end of the movie that is why they put the song and dance clip in there.I found that very interesting for India.The soundtrack for India I thought was pretty cool but did not know they are well known for their music. I wanted to post the lyrics for one of the songs that I found from the movie but it will not let me. So look up the lyrics from "O Saya." They are very interesting.
There is so much you can learn from this movie about life in India, culture and love.There was even romance in this movie, just like the United States movies.I liked how Jamal kept on trying to find Lakita and told her that they it was their destiny.This really shows love and not all the people of India are mean and hateful like when Jamal and Salim were kids.
Before I went back home I went to Overland Park, Kansas to visit my cousins and aunt! They are Jewish but they really do not practice the religion much. I do not have any pictures from what they did but it was interesting and I swear they were trying to convert me. My cousin, Elena got married in Hawaii about years ago and now is pregnant and due May 30th with a boy and his name will be Samuel Reed!! I am very excited and got to see ultra sound pictures of him! My other cousin, Mike has been married for about four years and has 3 cats named Yoda, Darth varder and Luke Skywalker. I wish I had pictures but I totally forgot. :(
This year I did not go anywhere for Spring break except for back home to good old St. Charles, Missouri. All I really did was get teaching hours done and hang out with my family and one of my good friends! I went to my favorite coffeehouse called Its A Grind, which I will post a link so you can see what it is like! I did alot of shopping with my mom! There are plenty of cool things you can do in St. Charles but I choose this Spring break to get some teaching hours out of the way. I went to Immanuel Lutheran and Lutheran High. It was nice to enjoy the teacher aiding of my kindergarten teacher and helping out with the special ed teacher at my old high school. I don't have any pictures from Spring break but I will post links and put pictures up from other times! It's a Grind website! Maybe there is a coffeehouse near your hometown! :D This is my grade school and church website This is my High school. Left: I thought this picture was cool! This is the Foundry Art Centre in St. Charles, Missouri. I have been there for a wedding reception and one of my families good friends, his art work is there.
Right:This was a week before Spring break but I went back with my boyfriend and threw my ex boyfriends necklaces that he gave me into the Missouri River!! hahahaha Below :The coffee house and the coffee that I usually get a It's a Grind!
In this article it says that the more aid Africa recieves the lower the standard of living is. Also the standard of living has been declining between the years of 1975 and 2000 says this article. The aid for reform is not very successful either. America is not doing the right thing by aiding Africa all the time which is very sad. You would think aiding Africa would be helping them but it is not. In the article David Karanja says, "Foreign aid has done more harm to Africa than we care to admit" Even though this article is from 2005 I believe this still is going on today. I found an article about Western countries giving aid to Africa which supports my statement from above. Here is the link, because it is hard to explain it.
This map shows the HDI for each country but what I mostly would like you to look at is Africa. Each country in Africa and its rating. The foreign coloninal control might have something to do with why Sub-Saharan Africa is so low but there are a few other reasons why it HDI is so low. Government problems are a good reason for their Human Developement to be low. There are 3 categories HDI is put into; High, Medium and Low Human Development. There are sub catergories that each country has to determine their HDI; the HDI value, Life expectancy at birth, Combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio, and GDP per capita. Certain percentages give a country the rank in the world. For example, Japan's HDI value is .956 which puts them in rank 8th and Kenya is .532 which puts them in rank 144.
This picture is of the Mount Rainer Mountains in the state of Washington. In the description below the picture it was said to be that the clouds are formed by high winds blowing over rough terrain. They are described to be "stack of pancakes". I picked this picture for a few reasons. One: I love scenery pictures and as a photographer myself, I love this picture. Two: There is just something about cloud pictures I love. My dad and I love taking pictures of clouds and comparing each photo we take with each other, so I guess I cherish that bonding time. Three: This picture was taken in Washington and someone that I really care about used to live there. Those are the reasons why I choose to pick this beautiful picture! :)
Because I love photographer so much...I thought why not add another picture. I figured my grade could not be deducted because I decided to add another picture. This picture was taken in Ontario, Canada. The river shown is Winisk River. The description under the picture was deep. This is what it says, "A single cloud may hold billions of pounds of water but not all clouds bring rain". I picked this photo because of the reflection you see from the sunset, trees and clouds! This picture could mean alot of things. I think in the canoe are a girl and a guy, so you could call this picture romantic. Also, this picture can show God's creation, even more in a reflection.
The title of the article I found is : Brazil’s Jobless Rate Jumps the Most in Seven Years This article explains how unemployment rate in Brazil jumped the most in seven years. In January unemployment was 8.2 percent and December it was 6.8 percent. I thought this article was interesting because not only is unemployment just affecting Latin America, it is also affecting the Unites States. I would be interested to see the perfect of unemployment of the U.S., compared to Latin America. Also, maybe just compared several states to Brazil. The article says that it will be getting worse though. Also, the article said that the government is providing money to build homes so that construction workers can work.
I picked Afghanistan and New Zealand because they have several differences in their population. New Zealand has a variety of people and cultures living there. As for Afghanistan, their people and culture consists of very few. Afghanistan is LDC because it is one of the most poorest countries in the world. Also, because of years of neglect and conflict, that has impacted its development as a country and its people. Life expectany is around 46-50. New Zealand is MDC because it is a well developed country and just look at the population! There is about 50 thousands 0 years of age to 80. Looking at Afghanistan the populatoin doesn't increase, it just decreases. If you look at New Zealand's population at 45-50 it is about 140 thousand! New Zealands population increases because of its good environment and culture.
There are so many beautiful places I have been to that choosing one is very hard for me to do. The two places that are extremely hard for me to choose are Colorado and Idaho. I have been to Colorado several times over my 19 years of life and Idaho only once in my life. I would like to talk about Colorado. The first time I went to Colorado I was only ten so I don't really remember much. Though, when my youth group went to the Lutheran Valley Retreat in Colorado. It was the most amazing experience ever. We climbed Cedar Mountain and saw the sunset and fireworks! I was in awe of Gods creation!! Also, I remember how every night we would have camp fires and we would look up and we would see a million stars! It was soo beautiful! This place is so important to me because this is where I got closer to God and found myself again.
(This picture was not taken by me. It was taken by someone in the I love LVR group)